what are the Required Documents for Opening a business Bank Account in the United States


When opening a bank account in the US a company representative appearing in person in the bank would need to bring specific company and personal documents. Below you can see the list of all possible documents a representative would be required to have in his/her possession:

Articles of Incorporation/Organization

To open a business account in the U.S., a company must be registered in one of the US states or D.C. and a representative would submit proof of this entity formation to the bank. The type of documentation required depends on the type of entity formed: a corporation must submit Articles of Incorporation and an LLC must submit Articles of Organization. Some banks would accept filing receipts instead, but the majority require a certified copy of the Articles.

EIN Confirmation Letter

EIN (also known as federal employer identification number) Confirmation Letter (form SS4) is required by all banks to open a business account. The basic reason is that the bank (and yourself) have tax reporting requirements to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) based on your account information, and the EIN is required as the reporting identification number.

Photo Identification

Typically a bank would require 2 pieces of identification for the company representative opening the account, at least one of these must have a picture. A passport would work just fine, but make sure it's not expired. 

Proof of Address (Applicant) 

Banks require the company representative opening the account to submit a personal proof of address. Examples of eligible documents are utility bills, or foreign bank account statements (preferred). Keep in mind - the document MUST be in English. If it's in a language other than English must be officially translated and notarized. Keep in mind, some banks have multilingual bankers, authorized to accept documents in the language they are certified for, but you shouldn't count on that.

US Business Address

Most U.S. banks will not open a business account without a U.S. physical address. Sometimes the bank will accept the street address of a Registered Agent, otherwise known as a Registered Office. Banks are usually accommodating on this requirement, especially if your type of business is one in which having a physical branch is impractical, for example, a company that does business mainly over the Internet.

Some banks also require that the U.S. physical location be within a certain distance (e.g. 10 miles) of the bank branch at which you open the business account. For example, you cannot open a business account in New York if your U.S. physical address is in California.

Minimum Deposit

Minimum deposits vary from bank to bank, with most brick-and-mortar banks requiring as little as $100 (some banks might even have $0 deposit requirements). Check with your bank what would be their minimum deposit requirement for foreign clients.

Letter from a CPA or Company Attorney

This document might be required in some banks if the bank is located in a state other than the state of registration. For example, if you register a Wyoming LLC and want to open an account in a New York bank, the bank would want to see a statement, written by a company accountant or an attorney, stating that this company does not do business in their respective state (in our example, New York). This should not be a complicated letter, something along the lines of, e.g., "I am such and such, confirming that company ABC, formed under the laws of Wyoming, does not and has no immediate plans to conduct business in the state of New York...". The letter must be dated and signed.

Certificates of Good Standing

Many banks require that companies submit Certificates of Good Standing (also called Certificate of Existence) to show that they are currently doing business and in good standing in the state in which they formed their business. Please contact the bank to see if they have this requirement. 

Certificate of Incumbency

Certificate of Incumbency (also called "Incumbency Certificate") is an official document that lists the names of incumbent directors and officers within an organization, and their corporate position within it. An Incumbency Certificate is used as confirmation of the identity of the signing authorities of a company and to prove that they are authorized to enter into legally binding transactions on the company's behalf. This certificate can be drafted on demand (there are plenty of samples online) and must be signed by the company secretary and sealed by a company seal.

Banking Resolution 

Banking Resolution is a company document issued by the Board of Directors (for corporations) or by Members (for LLCs), giving certain individuals the authority to open a bank account on behalf of the company. Some banks have specific language that they require to include in the resolution (and would often supply a sample), other bank accept resolutions issued by the company, as long as it clearly presents and identity of the individual(s), and the extent of the authorization.

Operating Agreement / Bylaws & Minutes 

An operating agreement is an agreement among LLC Members governing the LLC's business, and Member's financial and managerial rights and duties. Corporate bylaws are generally concerned with the operation of the corporation, setting out the form, manner, or procedure in which a corporation should be run. Bylaws come with minutes of meetings (in the beginning they would include the initial meeting, where bylaws are adopted by the board of directors).

Some banks would require a company representative to present the bank with a copy of those documents (operating agreement for LLC, and bylaws with minutes to corporations) when opening a bank account (albeit it's quite rare).

Apostille/Embassy Certification

If you plan to open a bank account in your country or in one of the offshore locations you should be aware of the local regulations and inquire at the bank which documents would be needed to open an account. Typically, at least the Articles of Organization/Incorporation would be required, and this document then needs to be certified for international use.

If you plan to open a bank account in any jurisdiction that is a signatory of a Hague Convention (also called "Apostille Convention") then you would need to have an Apostille attached to a certified copy of your company's Articles (this is done on a state level only). 

If you plan to open the bank account in any other country or jurisdiction that is not a signatory of the Hague convention then the process is a bit more complicated and involves certification of the document at the US State Department and then at the Embassy of the country/jurisdiction in question. 


Ways to Open a Business Bank Account in the United States , and 5 Alternatives ways


Many international businesses need to open U.S. business bank accounts to make doing business with U.S. customers more convenient and to avoid the hassle of foreign currency and exchange rates. In general, it is strongly recommended that a business entity maintains a separate bank account. This would help keep the entity in compliance with IRS record-keeping requirements and will provide for a better way to manage the company’s cash flow.

After 9/11 and with the passing of the Patriot Act it became really hard for foreigners to open U.S. bank accounts. Today all US banks are required to document verification that the person opening the account is the person on the I.D. they’re receiving. The easiest solution practically all banks chose to go with is simply having one of the employees in their branches make sure that the person opening the account in the branch is the same person in the photo I.D. 

Ways to Open a Business Bank Account in the US, and Alternatives

So what are the possible ways to open a bank account in the US for a non-US person, not residing in the US? Let me present you with several possible solutions to this dilemma, including some alternatives to opening an account in the US: 

If You Have a Personal Bank Account in the U.S...

If you visited the U.S. in the past and have opened a personal bank account your best bet would be to try to contact your bank (preferably the same branch) and see if they would open an account for your business remotely. 

Try a Few Online Bank Options

Periodically it's possible to find an opportunity to open an account remotely with an online bank. For example, you can try such banks as Silicon Valley Bank or EverBank. Also, eTrade seems to have the option of opening a bank account, even though they are technically a brokerage. It's a long shot, but worth trying before anything else. 

Keep in mind: online banks typically require an SSN (Social Security Number) but would open an account if you have ITIN (individual Tax Identification Number) as a replacement (ITIN has the same number of digits as SSN).

Use a Reloadable Prepaid Debit Card Account Instead of Traditional Bank Account 

In most cases what you need is not a bank account per se, but the functions provided by a traditional bank account. For that, you can use a reloadable prepaid debit card from companies such as NetSpend,Payoneer, etc. What you get is an internationally recognized debit card and an account number with routing and ABA numbers.

With such an account you can set up a free Direct Deposit of your paycheck, have your card reloaded at various locations (for example NetSpend list on their website more than 100,000 NetSpend Reload Network Locations throughout the U.S. to add cash or checks), and transfer money using PayPal®, a checking or savings account, or another card account (NetSpend or Payoneer). You should even consider opening accounts with several of those companies, to diversify your financial option.


A trip to the US would present you with the best opportunity to open a bank account. If you plan a trip anyway or have the financial ability (as well as spare time) to make a trip to the US then it would probably be the best solution. Keep in mind that you need to bring a number of documents, both personal and business-related, and it's always a good idea to contact the bank directly prior to arrival to ensure you have all the documents in your possession at the time of visiting the branch. Below I list all the documents required (or those that might be required) by a typical US bank (however keep in mind that even within the same bank different branches might have slightly different requirements). 

Verify Your Identity in U.S. Embassy

Some banks would accept I.D. verification through the US embassy. A person in a foreign country looking to open a U.S. bank account could go to a U.S. embassy in their country, and someone there at the embassy could sign the I.D. verification form. Obviously, this is really only practical for someone who lives close to a U.S. embassy, however, if the only alternative is to travel to the US then it could be a better solution. Of course, this is only meaningful if you verify first with the bank in the US that they would accept it.

Partner with Someone in the US

If traveling to the US or using the embassy solution is not an option, one way to do it is by partnering with someone in the US. Many people have friends and family in the US that could assist them in opening a bank account. It is very important to understand that a person you partner with, who will also be the one listed as a company representative at the bank, should be trustworthy, so choose carefully. Keep in mind that this person will have access to all company funds going through this account, and as long as you are not listed as a co-signer on the account, would have exclusive authority to perform such operations as closing or blocking it.

Hire a US Manager/Executive Officer

If you want to keep the ownership to yourself an alternative would be to hire a manager or executive officer for your company, who would represent it at the bank. LLCs, for example, can be formed as "manager-managed", which in some states would require you to list the manager on the company's Articles of Organization. Similar to the previous solution that person would have exclusive authority in questions of managing the bank account, so choose carefully.

This solution is different from the previous one in that fact that here you will compensate the manager with a salary (or one-time payment), while in the previous solution you compensate them with shares or member interest. To grant this person the authority to represent the company you might need to issue them a Certificate of Incumbency (see below).

Alternative #1: Bank Account In Your Country

Some businesses registered in the US might not even need a US bank account. If your company would provide services to business clients in the US it might be an option to have the funds wired to a US dollar bank account of your US company that you would open instead of in your country. If you plan to have a merchant account (for example to accept credit card payments online), not being a US person your only solution might be to open a merchant account with a bank or financial institution in your country, in which case you would need to have a bank account in your country anyway.

Keep in mind, in order to open a bank account for a US company in your country the company documents need to be certified through a process called "Apostille/Embassy Certification".

Alternative #2: Bank Account in Another Country

You might as well opt for opening a bank account in an offshore jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions are known for their beneficial environment for business activity and make it easy to open a bank accounts remotely, so you might want to consider researching this option further.

Alternative #3: PayPal and Similar Services

Depending on your business needs you might want to opt for using financial services such as PayPal. If you are having a hard time opening a bank account and merchant account for your business, using PayPal or similar services (such as Google Wallet, Amazon Payments, etc.) to collect payments from your client might be your only (but nevertheless viable) option.

Alternative #4: 2Checkout, Stripe & Skrill (ex-MoneyBookers)

If the only reason why you need a U.S. bank account is to be able to collect payments from your U.S. clients you should consider using 2Checkout, Stripe, or Skrill for credit card processing. 2Checkout, Stripe and Skrill allow merchants based in a number of countries covering a wide range of industries to collect online payments from buyers across the globe.

Alternative #5: High-Risk Merchant Accounts 

If your country or industry is not covered by 2Checkout or Skrill there is an option for high-risk merchant accounts. The terms of use for those accounts usually include higher than regular fees (between 7% and 15%), and also longer payout delays (2-3 weeks, compared to 2-3 days for regular accounts). Some other terms might apply. When you establish some history with the high-risk merchant account provider (such as 6-9 months of flawless processing) you could qualify for better terms. Also, your processing history with one provider could be used in the future to apply for a merchant account with another provider, with better terms. 

Best FREE WAYS TO ADVERTISE YOUR any kind of BUSINESS professionally


If you could afford to hire a professional advertising company, you would still see some of these free methods for promoting your business. However, many people do not put in enough time to learn them.

The following are a few free ways to advertise your business. Some are offline while others are online methods. Use as many as makes sense for your business.


Google Local is a local listing service on the web for local businesses. You do not have to do much but contact Google Local and provide your company name, address, phone number and website address. You will need to verify this information through a postcard but it is easy and gets you listed on Google easily


Have you considered coupons? Why not mesh coupons with Google. If it sounds like something that is interesting to you, the good news is that it is easy to do. You are able to bring in new customers and bring the old customers back to you. All of this occurs through Google’s free coupon tool that you use to get your business on local searches that are relevant to your website.


While it does cost a fee to get your website listed in the big Yellow Page book, it is free to do so on the web. Remember, people, come to the web to learn about stuff long before they actually buy from a business. Therefore, being in the online Yellow Pages makes sense.


Just like Google Local, Yahoo Local offers the same type of benefit. Of course, it benefits those who are using the Yahoo search engine instead of those who use Google. Yahoo is the second-largest web search engine and highly important to any online search. It is free to get listed on Yahoo Local, too.


One of the things that Yahoo local does that Google Local does not is to allow customers to review your service. It takes only a few minutes to set up this process, but encouraging your customers to visit the website and to write a review is an important step in advertising local businesses. It is free to do and takes moments, but it could mean the difference in a customer choosing your business over another company’s business.


You can send a press release to a news organization. This is a better option than sitting around and waiting for them to come to you. Be sure that what you have to say is newsworthy, and it should not be a blatant advertisement of your business. For example, it could be a press release announcing your collection of food for a local charity. It could be your special fundraiser for a sitting child. You can use online press releases in the same manner, but be sure they are newsworthy before you try to have them sent out.


Is there a business that will compliment your own? When you find one that is you should trade services with them. Alternatively, trade advertising with them. For example, perhaps your business is a spa. You know that those that come to your spa are concerned about their fitness. You collaborate with a local fitness club and trade advertisement flyers at your establishment for their business while they do the same for your own. 

Now that this chapter has gotten you started with a few free ways to advertise your business, we will move on to methods that are more specific. However, many of the other activities within the rest of this book are low-cost or even free. They are well worth your time investment! 

#business #advertise #free #ways #best #professional #spa #trade #fitness #club #yahoo  

How to get Social Security Number if you have a US company


 Social Security number is given to individuals who satisfy certain immigration requirements, and most non-immigrant visas that justify obtaining a Social Security number will restrict it to specific uses and activities. Having a U.S. company could be the first step in obtaining a legal status in the U.S., as explained above, however by itself it gives no right to Social Security number.

That being said, having a U.S. company in some cases requires you as the owner to file a personal tax return with the IRS. For that purpose, you will be required to obtain an ITIN (individual tax identification number) from the IRS, which can be done with the help of your CPA (we also provide this service through our CPA). ITIN is a number that resembles SSN (9 digits), however it is only used for payment of taxes (though you might be able to use it for additional purposes, such as opening a bank account).

How to move to USA for business, if you have a USA company


Perhaps, but not right away. Typically, the more successful your business becomes, the better is your chance to obtain legal status in the U.S., even, eventually, obtain permanent resident status ("green card").

U.S. immigration laws are changing constantly, so you should be on top of the most recent updates, which can be done by periodically reviewing news on the USCIS website and similar sites dedicated to immigration to the U.S. In general, certain visas exist today that allow foreign businessmen entry to the U.S. for such purposes as business trips, visas for investors, and visas for company executives.

Following numerous requests by our clients to provide assistance with U.S. business visas we have partnered with VisaPlace.com, a leading U.S. & Canada immigration service to provide free Immigration Assessment for potential visa applicants.


How to getting a License for general business in U.S


First of all, it's important to understand that "getting a license" is not the same as "registering a company". Companies such as LLCs or corporations are legal entities, formed by the state, and essentially are separate from their owners. A license is a permit allowing a business to conduct certain business activity, while at the same time requiring the business to comply with laws and rules that the license is governed by, and in some cases pay related taxes.

Most U.S. businesses formed by our European clients don't require any licensing whatsoever. However, we do offer a license research service to make sure your business either doesn't need any licensing or needs some specific licensing, in which case we will let you know what it is and how to obtain it.

General Business License

A few states require all businesses formed in that state to obtain a general business license (like Nevada, which is one of the reasons we don't recommend this state). This is just another way for the state to cash in on the fact that companies want to or have to be registered there. Also in some states, local authorities require businesses domiciled within the borders of the local jurisdiction (e.g. California cities and towns) to obtain a local general business license.

Typically this license is obtained at the same time or right after the company is registered, and it is renewed together with company renewal.

Specialty Licenses 

Certain activities require a specific license. The most common type of licensing we handle on a steady basis is tobacco-related licensing. Other examples are alcohol licenses, professional licenses, gambling licenses, firearms licenses, dealerships, etc.

Unless your business trades in regulated merchandise, products containing one of the regulated substances, or deals in regulated activity, it will not need any special license.


#USA, #business, #license, #permit, #work 

How does the sales tax work

Q.  How does the sales tax work?

Sales tax is a tax paid by the end-user (consumer) of a tangible product (and in some cases service) sold by a retailer. This tax is paid on a state level (there is currently no national sales tax or VAT).

For example, if you own an electronics store in NYC, and a customer comes in and buys an item in your store, you would apply 8.875% (as of 2013) tax on top of the price paid by the customer. Then you are responsible to file a sales tax report to NY state and remit (pay) all the tax money collected from the customers.

Q. How do I know if I need to apply sales tax on the stuff I sell?

Are you selling to end-users, or are you a wholesaler? Only retailers selling to end users are required to collect and remit sales tax.

Does your business have nexus in any state that has sales tax? Nexus is a physical connection, and we discuss it later in this article. Some states (Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon) have no sales tax, to begin with.

Is your product/service taxable to begin with? Keep in mind, most tangible goods are taxable, while most services are not, but each jurisdiction has its own rules, so it’s not that simple.

Q. Should I register in a state that has no sales tax, to avoid having to deal with it? 

Sorry, but it’s not that easy.

For example, let’s assume you register in Delaware (that has no sales tax) and you are selling some tangible items by shipping them from China to buyers in the U.S. Since in this case your business only has nexus in Delaware (as a state of registration), you will not have to worry about sales tax at all. However, if you are using a U.S. dropshipper that ships the product from warehouses in California, Kentucky, and New Jersey, technically you are required to collect sales tax from buyers of your product in all three mentioned states.

If you register your company in Wyoming instead of Delaware, you add Wyoming as another state to collect sales tax in. Sounds inconvenient, but only if you assume that a serious number of consumers of your product are roaming the vast stretches of the least populated U.S. state. We are deeply in love with Wyoming, but your chances of selling anything in that state are mostly close to zero, so you might not even need to worry about registering for sales tax there until you make a few Wyoming sales first.

How do you register for sales tax in all these states? Read further.

Q. If I am registered in one state, but my vendors are dropshipping the stuff I sell in other states - which state do I need to collect sales tax in?

As you learned from the previous question, your company's nexus spreads to all states where your drop shipper has nexus. So unless your drop shipper processes the payment side of your sales, or unless you make no sales in any of these respective states, you need to obtain permits in each of these states (as well as in your state of registration, if it has sales tax). 

Q. I know that I need to collect sales tax. How do I register?

We can help you with registration in any state. Depending on the state this permit will be called "sales tax ID", "sales permit", "reseller permit", "vendor ID", or just "tax ID". We have this item both on its own and as part of our LLC/Corporation registration applications.

Q. After I register, how do I do reporting and remit sales tax?

You will find a good CPA (accountant) who will handle your sales tax filing as well as your income tax filing. You can try doing it on your own, but we don’t recommend it.

Q. My business is registered in one state, but my drop shipper is in another. They want me to show sales tax registration in their state - how do I do it?

Almost all states have procedures to obtain sales tax permits without having to register the company as a "foreign entity". It is usually called "out-of-state vendor ID" or something of the kind. We help with these permits as well.

Keep in mind though, if your drop shipper is also the one processing the payment then they will be collecting sales tax and reporting it to the state themselves, so you don’t really need to obtain your own permit in a case like this

Q. I want to buy products in the U.S. and sell them in my country - do I need to register for sales tax?

Obviously, you don’t need to collect sales tax in the U.S. on these sales, but you might need to collect some sort of VAT tax in the country where you sell, so check the rules there. 

However, the real question is this - can you buy from U.S. vendors without having to pay sales tax on these purchases (in wholesale)? The answer is yes, provided you obtain a sales tax ID. That’s why it’s also called "reseller permit" - you want to resell the products you buy at wholesale, to the end-users, without being considered end-user yourself. Check with a CPA if the state in which you obtain the permit requires you to file zero tax reports. 

Q. How do I report sales tax in all the states I am registered in?

Just as you do in one state - have your CPA file reports in each state you are registered in for sales tax, and cut checks for each state (or pay online, whatever the procedure is).

Q. Do I need to register as a foreign entity in states where I am registered to collect sales tax?

Not necessarily. We distinguish the two cases as "soft nexus" and "hard nexus" (this is not the official designation, we just like to call it this way)

"Soft nexus" has to do with a connection strong enough to require you to register for sales tax (for example, if you have a drop shipper who ships from a specific state), which is usually done with state’s taxation department (or its equivalent), but not strong enough for registration with Secretary of State (or whatever authority registering companies in the given state). 

"Hard nexus" is when you have a physical connection to a state, for example, if you have an office, warehouse, employees, or if you are managing the business from this state and are physically located there. 

To register for sales tax only in states where you have “soft nexus”, and register a foreign entity and sales tax in states where you have "hard nexus" 



#business #dropshippng #idea #tax #income #sales

How to do banking for business in USA


Banking is crucial for running your business. Most of our European clients are looking to form a U.S. company and have a U.S. bank account opened, among other things. After 9/11 U.S. the government made it harder for banks to offer remote account opening for non-U.S. individuals, however, it is still possible to open such accounts when visiting the bank in person. We have an entire article dedicated to banking in the U.S., including various alternatives, which we invite you to read. In brief, if you can visit the U.S. in person, or have a U.S.-based partner, or just someone (friend/family) willing to help you by acting as the "Signer" on the account, you might want to explore these options. Those who want to use a managed service can opt for one remotely, however, such service comes with both initial and monthly cost and includes certain restrictions.

Why not start with a bank account in Europe?

 It might be a good idea to consider opening a bank account in Europe for your U.S.-based business, until such time other options would become available to you. All you would need in that case is to order Apostille for your company's certified copy of articles of incorporation (or organization), a service you can order from us at the same time when you are ordering your company registration. Once you establish your first U.S. clients who are willing to make overseas payments via wire transfers to your European bank account, you will be in a position to expand further by using those funds to open a U.S. bank account, either by.

#usa, #business, #banking

How money can invest


What kind of money are we talking about?

We touch on this question first because many of the prospects looking for a US company registration are vaguely aware of the costs involved in launching a US business.

Initial Investment 

It is crucial to understand that formal company registration is only a small part of the budget needed for launching your US business. Depending on the state of registration, entity type, and specific business needs, registration costs can run from as little as $300 to as high as $1000 and over. On average our European clients spend between $600 and $700 on registration formalities.  

Then there is a question of banking, and for many entrepreneurs also the question of merchant account (what many confusingly refer to as "payment gateway"). We discuss both further in this article, but if we consider the option of traveling to the US in order to open the bank account, or using a managed service, you should prepare an additional budget of $2000 minimum, with about half or it to be spent on the fees, and the rest to be kept as balance in the account

To summarize, for proper company registration only, without opening a US bank account, prepare a budget of $600-$700. With banking, your budget needs to be between $2,600 and $3,000. Keep in mind - this is just the initial investment needed to properly set up the company. Your business would need more money for the actual business activity, so make sure to take that into consideration when preparing your startup budget.

Running Costs

 Besides initial investment, you would have monthly and annual costs, related specifically to maintaining your company. If you plan to lease a US address expect to pay between $20 and $99 each month (we offer our own professional solution called MyUSAOffice that offers addresses for as low as $299/year). Another recurring cost is the cost of Registered Agent service (we provide it for a competitive $99 a year). Banking would cost you another $20-$100 a month in bank fees and management fees if you opt for managed bank account services. 

Most states have recurring maintenance fees, taxes, and reports. For example, Wyoming has Annual Report of $52, while Delaware has franchise tax for LLCs ($300 a year) and both annual report and franchise tax for corporations, calculated based on some formula. Some states have no annual fees, but it's rare.

And finally, depending on your company structure and activity, you might be required to file an annual tax return (and in some cases - pay taxes), which means you need to hire the services of CPA (certified public accountant) and maybe even a bookkeeper. Filing simple tax returns should not cost more than $300-$500, however, more complex cases would result in higher costs. Keep in mind, in some cases you as the owner would need to obtain an Individual Tax ID Number (ITIN), adding another $300-$400 per partner, but it's a one-time cost.


 Before launching your business you should plan your budget carefully. Many clients make the mistake of hoping that some of the initial and running costs will be offset by the first clients they are counting on acquiring, but you should never build your business on hope - cold blooded calculations prove to be a more reliable tool in business. 

We recommend preparing a setting aside a specific sum that would keep your business running for a year without any income whatsoever. In case of US business setting aside $4,000-$8,000 would go a long way to ensure your business is properly set up and funded for a year, giving you the necessary peace of mind to develop your product and customer base.

How to become a YouTuber



Youtube is a platform that has gained widespread popularity over the years. You can take advantage of its usefulness and make money. All this can be done from home, which makes it much more comfortable. Here are two steps to earn on YouTube 

1. Register in your partner program 

2. Add some creativity and bring unique contents for your audience. Millions of people around the world earn a decent income when uploading videos on YouTube. Below is a list of ideas regarding videos to upload: 

• Videos ranting about a topic (the more controversial, the better) 

• Your honest movie review • Comedy videos 

• Opinions of products or services 

• Videos about fashion and makeup 

• Reviews of gadgets and electronic devices 

• Videos showcasing talent (this could be singing, dancing, etc.)


Get $750 in your PayPal account. The USA only. Email me to get the link: 



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Earning from home is not very easy, or everyone would be doing it, and there would be no need to do so too. However, there are many things you can do that will help you succeed when you want to earn at home. The first one is that this is something that is easy for everyone to do and a way in which you can learn new skills.


How to get money from home? Our first answer is simple; you use and enhance your existing talent or learn some new things that you can use to make legitimate money from home.

1.Writing talent

 If you think you have this talent, you can start earning by becoming a freelance writer. You can get projects from Elance.com or Getafreelance.com. These companies are legitimate, and you can choose your desired project by making an offer. Payment is made according to how much the final price of the proposal is. It's even easier to earn if you have some specialized knowledge unique to other independent writers.

2.Talent in data entry

 Data entry is a repetitive job, so if you can tolerate a repetitive task with a good salary, then you can make data entry positions your next job. You can receive payments through commissions, per hour or action taken. The step is easy; you register with a company that gives out contracts for your service. Countless companies hire professionals. Therefore, you can be assured that you will not run out of work. 

3.Business talent 

If you are an individual with an exceptional passion for business, you can set up a website loaded with your affiliate products. You can get affiliate products from a giant market such as ClickBank.com and PayDotCom.com. You are paid through a monthly commission sent through checks or PayPal.com. A home-based business that can earn you a significant amount of money from home. You can even make it big and replace your daily work with time. But the results are rarely instantaneous. It usually takes a while to start seeing the results. And it may involve learning new skills. But if you're looking to earn a significant income from home, it's a price worth paying. There are two ways you can start a business at home. You can create your products, set up your websites, set up your private sales and payment systems, and do your marketing. This approach is more lucrative, especially in the long term, but it requires, more time and effort to get started. An easier option is to join a home business opportunity where most of the things that a business needs to function have already been done for you. What you need to do is join, promote and earn. This is a faster way to make money from home, but the disadvantage is that it is rarely as profitable as owning your own business, although in many cases it is still quite beneficial. In general, it also costs less to start.

4.Take surveys 

A slow but easy way to earn from home is to also participate in surveys. Many online websites specialize in this. All you have to do is register and start answering questions about various products. 

5.Online teacher

 An online teacher does what seems obvious: offers lessons to students through the Internet using a WebCam and software such as Google Talk Video or Skype. You can find work doing this with schools and universities everywhere that have considerable demand for their distance learning courses. There are many of these schools throughout the country and, often, they can also be full-time jobs from home. If you have a teaching license and you have excellent computer skills (you can use the Blackboard website to show you how to do all of this), you can apply at any school or higher institution to be part of their distance learning program. You can earn as much as $ 100,000 a year on this.


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