How to get Social Security Number if you have a US company


 Social Security number is given to individuals who satisfy certain immigration requirements, and most non-immigrant visas that justify obtaining a Social Security number will restrict it to specific uses and activities. Having a U.S. company could be the first step in obtaining a legal status in the U.S., as explained above, however by itself it gives no right to Social Security number.

That being said, having a U.S. company in some cases requires you as the owner to file a personal tax return with the IRS. For that purpose, you will be required to obtain an ITIN (individual tax identification number) from the IRS, which can be done with the help of your CPA (we also provide this service through our CPA). ITIN is a number that resembles SSN (9 digits), however it is only used for payment of taxes (though you might be able to use it for additional purposes, such as opening a bank account).

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